Oh, Good Grief

Ramblings of a newly middle-aged woman


The game

Posted by fey1133 |

I'm a great shopper. Or I should say I'm a great deal finder. That would probably be more appropriate. Granted, I had to learn through necessity, but I'm not complaining. It's now become such a part of my life, that to pay full price for anything would be an obscene crime against nature! Ok, that may be a slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean. It did take me a while to learn that just because something is a great deal, doesn't mean I have to have it. That was a huge lesson. I mean, do I really need 5 boxes of ear wax removal just because it was on sale and I had a coupon? The art of walking away is just as important as the art of the deal.

It's a game, you see. What can I get for the least amount of money? What can I get free? Who's going to pay me to walk out of their store with product? I love it. Love, love, love it! It's a sickness! When someone one asks me what my favorite week of the year is do you think I answer Christmas week? Mardi Gra week? Cuckoo dancing week (It's true. Look it up)? Nope, not me. My favorite week of the year is the week after Christmas when Target goes 75% off of their holiday clearance items. The. Best. Week. Ever!

Now, I usually don't go for the leftover tinsel or huge inflatable snowman. I try to stay away from the chocolate santas and Mickey Mouse spinning ornaments. I do have a weakness for gift bags, though. One look in my storage closet will prove that. What I try to find are the items that I use every day. Trashbags, dish soap, baggies, plastic wrap, ect. All you have to do is find a box with a snowflake on it, or a penquin with a scarf, or a Christmas bow. Seriously! I have enough trashbags and dish soap and dishwashing detergent to get me through the next 6 months! And I gave a lot of it away to friends! It's the thrill of the hunt.

Another obsession of mine is CVS. That's a whole post in itself, so I won't start in on it now, but oh the deals! I have enough free toothpaste and bodywash stocked up to keep my family clean for the next year! My friends have always told me that I needed to start a newsletter about the great deals to be had. Maybe I will someday. If I can pull myself out of the sale ads long enough.


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